Special Events
"You slowed the world down
and made it turn at your own pace."
- Bill Bunton

Sharing stories and fun at the Foothills Fall Festival in Maryville, Tennessee.
Blue Ridge Parkway 75th Anniversary Celebration
Tennessee Governor's Welcome Reception for the
Appalachian Regional Commission Conference
University of Georgia Board of Regents Conference
Blount County Pregnancy Resource Center Fundraiser
Tellico Village Rotary Club Fundraiser
Blount County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting
Knoxville Hilton Inn Marketing Dinner
Fountain City Sportsman Club Annual Dinner
Morgan-Keegan Bank Picnic
Arcadia Insurance Company Retreat
Tennessee Valley Federal Credit Union Board of Directors and
Managers Retreat
University of Tennessee Human Resources Training and Development
Administrative Professionals Retreat
Connor-O'Rourke Family Reunion
Stony Gap School Reunion
Haunting in the Hills Storytelling Festival
Smoky Mountain Storytelling Festival
Dogwood Arts Festival (Appalachian Stories)
Holston United Methodist Church Annual Conference (Inspirational Stories)
Jubilee community Arts International Festival (Native American Stories)